"Reverse Psychology."

That was depressing…

One last rant before I go back home. I’ve had such a wonderful time. On the drive here, we stopped for ice cream. The weather was nice on Thursday when we went fishing. Today has been great too. It hasn’t been a very long trip, but it’s felt like an adventure–even the lazy parts.

Besides the fishing, I also had time to read, play the piano, and watch TV. These are all things I can do at home, but when I’m here they just seem…happier? I don’t know why. I even slept better during the two nights I was here than I normally do at home. And of course, my grandparents are very nice and I love spending time with them.

Has something ever made you so happy you feel sad because you know it won’t last?

Update from the present me, who has been back home for some time now:

This will probably be the last post for a while. I’m still working on the next bunch of pages. And it doesn’t help that WordPress has gone and changed its format AGAIN, making everything all the more confusing. I realize that updates have been spotty lately; that was kind of on purpose. I’ve been trying to make the few pages I’d prepared at my grandparents’ place last long enough for me to scan in some more pages, but I still haven’t finished those pages. Your patience is much appreciated and stuff.

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